Saturday, August 16, 2008


Angelica Root
Called Chinese Angelica, Angelica Root, and Dong Quai, this herb helps lower symptoms of menopause, relieves menstrual cramps, and regulates menstrual periods. No scientific evidence supports its effectiveness, but Anglica has been used in oriental medicine to treat these symptoms for centuries.This herb is primarily used to relieve reproductive problems in females. In particular, treatment includes lowering menopausal symptoms, regulating cycles, and relieving menstrual cramps. There is no scientific evidence to support angelica’s effectiveness in treating reproductive problems.Oriental medicine often combines Chinese angelica root with various other herbs to provide treatment for conditions such as high blood pressure, arthritis, allergies, and asthma. Limited evidence supports angelica’s ability to increase immune system function; this suggests why the root is effective in treating allergies. It also may possess anti-inflammatory properties, suggesting possible benefits when treating conditions including asthma and arthritis. Angelic root may possibly relax blood vessels because of one of the chemical it contains. This may make it effective in lowering high blood pressure.Additional research is necessary to determine and validate angelica root’s medicinal value.Ingredients and Constituents of Chinese angelica
Volatile Oil
Valerianic acid
Vitamin A
Vitamin B
Bitter iridoids
Bergapten Dosage RecommendationsWomen take up to 3-4 grams daily. Angelic root can be ingested in powder form in tea, through tinctures, tablets, and capsules.Possible Side EffectsThose who regularly take Chinese angelic root should avoid large amounts of ultraviolet radiation and sun exposure. It is thought to have very low toxicity, but should not be used by women who are pregnant or nursing.

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